the place of spiritual rendezvous / cemetery

the place of spiritual rendezvous / cemetery
It is useful and interesting to come here. Trees and other vegetation have found here the most reliable reserve, the air is always clean and pleasant, shady paths are almost always deserted. The voices of birds and the whisper of the wind live in peace with silence. Symbols and inscriptions are everywhere here. They make you look into them, and the images of past lives offer to meditate and to empathize. But not many people like to walk in these places. It's not just any fear, but the unwillingness to meet with the reminder of the inevitability, and even more so to think about it. There is the real gathering of family dramas and destinies, life stories of the youngest and the oldest. This is a place of spiritual rendezvous of the present with the past, and no one dares to interfere with it.